Range of items on the website

As part of the Rambert at 90 Project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (2016-2018), the Rambert Archive digitised more than 2,000 theatre programmes, cast sheets, publicity leaflets, press releases, and tour itineraries. Dating from June 1926 to March 1989, these materials relate to Rambert’s tours in the UK and abroad.


Browsing and searching the theatre programme collection

Using the browse options on the left menu box, you can navigate through the collection in two ways. Browse by Decade presents the programmes grouped by decade and then by year. Browse by Location groups the UK programmes by region and nation, and then by town. Programmes from the overseas tours are grouped by continent and then by country.

Using the search option, you can search for titles of dance works and names of choreographers and dancers as they are listed in the programme.

Copyright status and Creative Commons licence

The Heritage Lottery Fund requires that digitised items funded by its grant are licensed under Creative Commons. As only the copyright holders can license their materials, the Rambert Archive has made significant attempts to contact rights holders (a) to get their permission to put their materials online and (b) to request that they license their items under Creative Commons.

Each item on this website has a copyright credit at the bottom of the screen that explains its copyright status. The majority of the items are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial (CC BY-NC). The licensor (for the attribution) is clearly stated, along with the link to the Creative Commons licence.

The Rambert Archive apologises for any unintentional infringement of copyright and will remove items from the website upon request.